Home Page

Update home page design and content

Home Page Area

To update your home page select where you want to update your home page, for the main site with the English version so you can access on the home page, for french or local language you can use the french home page.

HOme page update

Header Area

Now you can access on header area for configure your home page header section

HOme page update

Insert your title , description and upload your image cover for home page

Output Header

HOme page update

Your title, description and image cover will be show on header section area.

Intro Area

INtro page update

Now you can update your intro area, insert title and text for your intro area.

Intro List

Intro list update

For update intro list you can access on intro list and update list text here, for add new you can simply click on add new intro list button.

Output Intro

Intro page update

Your intro title, text and list will be displayed in the intro area

Content Area

Content article page update

If you want to write article for home page area, you can write content article on this menu.

Services widget

Services widget

If you want change services widget , you need to access on setup menu - services widget.

Blog widget

Blog widget

If you want change blog widget , you need to access on setup menu - blog widget.

Contact widget

Contact widget

If you want change contact intro widget , you need to access on setup menu - intro.

Home Page Design


If you want change contact intro widget , you need to access on setup menu - intro.